AMD Ryzen 3 PCs
AMD Ryzen 3 PCs
As it currently stands, we do not list any Ryzen 3 based systems for one specific reason. An AMD Ryzen 5 4500 is currently around £10-£12 more expensive than a current entry level AMD Ryzen 3 4100. Said AMD Ryzen 5 4500 is 46.3% faster than a Ryzen 3 4100 meaning owning any Ryzen 3 based system is just simply not worth it.
AMD Ryzen 3 CPU's are a bit of hidden gem as all Ryzen 3 CPU's have high core count, unlocked multiplyers and low cost making them ideal budget focused gaming processors, yet perfectly capable of running pretty much any PC title to a good standard.
Our Ryzen 3 range of systems focus on value for money solutions as well as reliability and upgrade potential rather than trying to bring you Ryzen 3 builds as cheaply as possible. The result is well rounded gaming systems capable of high levels of gaming and upgradability.