1 – Set the boot device

Firstly you will need to make sure your CD Drive is set to the fist boot device. If you do not have an existing operating system installed your PC should recognize this and then choose the next available boot device. Setting the Boot order is done in the BIOS. The get into the BIOS simply turn on your PC, and when the operator logo appears there will be options stating what keys to press to enter the BIOS, this is normally the “del/delete” key. When you enter the BIOS you will need to scroll through the top menus using the arrow keys until you find the option for “BOOT DEVICE PRIORITY”, enter that menu by pushing “ENTER” and in there you can use the “+” and “-“ keys to move your optical drive to the top of the list. Simply save your settings and Exit the BIOS and your PC will reboot.

2 – Insert the Windows 7 Disk

Pop the Windows 7 disk in your CD/DVD Drive and your PC should ask, after the operator logo appears, “PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM YOUR CD OR DVD DRIVE”, simply press any key and and windows will begin to load files to your PC whilst displaying a loader bar.

3 – Regional Options

The setup will ask you to select your relevant regional settings. Make your selections and click “NEXT” to continue. You will then be asked to click “INSTALL” to continue, please do this.

4 – Licence Terms

A Software Licence Terms box will appear, please read these and if you agree by them tick the “AGREE BOX” and then click “NEXT” to Continue.

5 – What Type of Installation do you want?
The installer will ask what type of installation you want to run, select “CUSTOM (ADVANCED)”.

6 – Where to install Windows?

The next prompt that appears asks what partition you wish to install Windows to. To most users installing a new copy of windows there will only be one partition available which will say something like “Disk 0 Unallocated Space”, select where you want to install your operating system and click next.

For users that are reinstalling windows, you will need to select each partition of the disk and delete them. Do this by clicking on each partition and then clicking “DRIVE OPTIONS (ADVANCED)” then “DELETE” and then confirm your action.

7 – Off it goes

The installer will then continue and will display its current progress. Putting the kettle on at this point is advisable!

8 – Nearly there

After a while your PC will reboot and continue with the installation. After it finishes the installation you will be prompted to enter a “USER NAME” and “COMPUTER NAME”, do this and then click “NEXT” to continue. You will then be asked if you would like to give your user name an associated password, if you wish to do this then enter a valid password and click “NEXT” otherwise leave the fields blank.

9 – Product Key

Enter your Windows 7 Product key and click “NEXT”.

10 – Setup

A protect your computer box will appear, please select how you would like to protect your Custom PC, most users will want to select “USE RECOMMENDED SETTINGS” . You will then be asked to review your date and time settings, do so and then click “FINISH”.

11 – Location

If your computer is connected to a network then please select your current location. If your PC is not connected to a network then you will be presented with your fully working Windows environment. Well done, you have completed the Windows 7 Installation!

12 – Don't Forget

Finally, Dont forget to install your drivers for all the devices in your system. Most of the time these will be on disks that came with the components however these can be a little out of date so we recommend you download the latest versions from the manufacturers websites.